Thursday, March 29, 2007
Chasin’ Around, Doing More of the Same
On Monday, I will return to Papua for the third month weigh in on the original scale. Stay tuned for the results.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Fat Man Fantasies
My experiment and a killer superset of calf-raisers on Saturday left me barely able to walk the last few days. Therefore, I took one day of rest and only had a light pool workout to get the blood flowing yesterday. This down time has perhaps allowed me to ponder my process and objectives some in the last couple days.
No, this passage won’t involve extensive discussion of my thoughts about Kelly Carlson, the best thing to come out of Minneapolis since – well, maybe ever. It’s not because I couldn’t think of enough things to say. It is because I don’t think fat boys’ fantasies about cute girls are much different than those of skinny boys. And because my girlfriend reads my blog.
Instead, the point of this passage is to talk about the practical ways being obese affects your life. There are plenty of subtle but important ways to which much attention could be directed, like self-esteem and self-confidence. Talking about such things would make me feel un-dude-ly and then I would have to watch Rocky IV again.
The fat man fantasies include doing stuff like:
- in an economy plane seat comfortably, or at all;
- in a lawn chair without worrying that it may explode at any moment like a drunk uncle at your cousin’s wedding;
- on wicker without doing that semi-squat for fear that it may otherwise produce some version of one of those post-twister tales about straw sticking into electricity poles down the street;
- candy bars without feeling like a meth-head loading up on sinus meds;
- clothes in the normal person section;
- clothes with fewer X’s on their labels than your movies;
- clothes that you like, not just the ones that come big enough;
- horse without worrying about winding up on the butt end of some fake (or real) PETA poster;
- amusement park rides;
Or anything involving water. From the beach to swimming to water sports, anything involving water is full potential for huge embarrassment or even practical limitations.
These are just some of things I look forward to.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Pound of flesh
- Exercised for 3.5 hours continuously:
- Included 2 classes (one Spin class and one Bodypump class) and 50 minutes on the elliptical machine;
- Average heart rate of 122 through that time; and
- Peak heart rate of around 200, too high actually when I was pushing hard during the Spin class.
All of this burned 3971 calories, around the amount needed to burn one pound of fat. Of course, I only “lose” that pound of fat if that my caloric intake is equal or less than my BMR or calories burned by my body on its own.
This experiment is useful in helping to remember why weight-loss is so difficult. One, we often want the weight to drop off in days or weeks, when it often crept onto our bodies over months or years. Two, it takes a hell of a lot of work to burn a pound. Further, it was useful in giving me something to concentrate on during one really tough Sunday afternoon workout.
I have a confession to make about yesterday also. While getting ready for my workout, I watched the Rocky IV training scene and final fight sequence not once, but twice. Now I need to go look for my high school letterman jacket and selected action figures to complete my transition to total loser. Err, I mean ‘Biggest Loser’. Off to the gym.
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
My reference to the child’s title has nothing to do with the book’s theme, rather it is connected to my compulsion to lie on the floor, kicking and screaming that it isn’t fair that this young woman was taken from the planet so soon and her beautiful young daughter won’t remember her mother and will likely never meet her father. This child-like tantrum is so tempting because no words alone are adequate to capture the grief of the day, no notion of fairness in the world is fulfilled when considering the situation, and no other action seems more effective in handling the sorrow and anger.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
A small plateau
1. Use protein-powder for meal replacement and as a snack to avoid overeating at meals. And, use this in the context of improved discipline on my diet. Staying focused, especially after a minor setback is important.
2. Increase my cardio regimen. Boredom is becoming a bit of an issue so I am going to attempt to increase the diversification, including some swimming and added aerobic classes.
In addition, this plan with persistence and patience should allow me to overcome this minor sticking point. I would really like to have a good weigh-in on April 1st (though I won’t utilize the date to announce any fake results) – as I would like to be well ahead of target by the end of the first quarter.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Still alive
Friday, March 2, 2007
Two becomes three

Luckily, the title doesn’t refer to my hands – though being able to deliver a Stooges-style eye gouge amid a game of mercy would be a good bar trick. It refers to, in part, how two weeks between updates have stretched into three. A string of personal events, in addition to my continuing all-consuming professional schedule, have kept me off the blog. Through all this, I would grade my performance around a C- or D. I have only missed getting into the gym a handful of days, and I have done OK on my diet. And, still flawless on the booze ban, even at the wedding of my two dear friends, Sam and Irma. Luckily, the culture of weddings in Yogyakarta isn’t that of Ypsilanti, North Dakota – an open bar at a wedding back home would be a move financial suicide. Though the momentum is still going in the right direction, I need to recommit and increase the velocity again. On that point, I need to hit the gym before work.