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From: Scott Hanna
Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:11 AM
Subject: Special pledge
Pastor Dave Kenney,
Your contributions challenge to the congregation last Sunday really got me thinking, and it was what inspired me to come talk to you during the service. It reminded me about a story I read in BBC some months ago about a website in the UK allowed dieters to make weight loss commitments, and if they failed to meet their goal, money was withdrawn from their accounts and donated to charity. The idea I came up with adds an extra twist to that scheme – to motivate both of us to lose more weight:
I will donate $1 for each kilogram you lose during the three-month challenge to the church’s long-term fund. And I will donate $100 for every kilogram more than me that you lose during those same three months.
For example, if you lose 30 kilograms and I lose 25 kilograms, my obligation would be $530. Better yet for the church, my employer, Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc will double-match charitable contributions to registered non-profits up to $500 and single-match after that. So, the final contribution to the church in the example above would be $1,560.
I have battled weight all my life. From one perspective, my story is a success – I lost over 50 kilograms ten years ago and I have kept most of it off. But, from another perspective, I still have not achieved a healthy long-term weight. While I can still do many active things like complete a 10K race or climb fifty flights of stairs, the rackety knees of too much load for too many years make going down even a single flight of stairs a painful thing for me. Next year I will turn thirty. I want at least another thirty years to see my daughters grow into the wonderful women I know they will be. And, I want to spend those next thirty years carrying my children, and maybe grandchildren, both up and down stairs without pain.
So, thank you for the motivation to reinvigorate my commitment to managing my weight. And, I hope my special pledge is helpful to give you both camaraderie and “healthy-competition” during these next three months and beyond.
I weighed-in this morning on the digital scale at International SOS Kuningan. Attached is a photo. I got a bit confused looking at my notes from Sunday, as I have both “Tuesday” and “December 16th” written down. But, we can sort out the one day discrepancy at the end as needed. I plan to weigh-in at least every two weeks.
In addition to keeping in touch at church and via email, feel free to monitor my blog: http://candotujuh.blogspot.com/ . I started this blog a couple of years ago for a similar purpose, but some of the weight I lost has slipped back on since then. This is a great opportunity to re-commit.
Here we go – Day One: 157.8 kilograms.
-- Scott Hanna
Your contributions challenge to the congregation last Sunday really got me thinking, and it was what inspired me to come talk to you during the service. It reminded me about a story I read in BBC some months ago about a website in the UK allowed dieters to make weight loss commitments, and if they failed to meet their goal, money was withdrawn from their accounts and donated to charity. The idea I came up with adds an extra twist to that scheme – to motivate both of us to lose more weight:
I will donate $1 for each kilogram you lose during the three-month challenge to the church’s long-term fund. And I will donate $100 for every kilogram more than me that you lose during those same three months.
For example, if you lose 30 kilograms and I lose 25 kilograms, my obligation would be $530. Better yet for the church, my employer, Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc will double-match charitable contributions to registered non-profits up to $500 and single-match after that. So, the final contribution to the church in the example above would be $1,560.
I have battled weight all my life. From one perspective, my story is a success – I lost over 50 kilograms ten years ago and I have kept most of it off. But, from another perspective, I still have not achieved a healthy long-term weight. While I can still do many active things like complete a 10K race or climb fifty flights of stairs, the rackety knees of too much load for too many years make going down even a single flight of stairs a painful thing for me. Next year I will turn thirty. I want at least another thirty years to see my daughters grow into the wonderful women I know they will be. And, I want to spend those next thirty years carrying my children, and maybe grandchildren, both up and down stairs without pain.
So, thank you for the motivation to reinvigorate my commitment to managing my weight. And, I hope my special pledge is helpful to give you both camaraderie and “healthy-competition” during these next three months and beyond.
I weighed-in this morning on the digital scale at International SOS Kuningan. Attached is a photo. I got a bit confused looking at my notes from Sunday, as I have both “Tuesday” and “December 16th” written down. But, we can sort out the one day discrepancy at the end as needed. I plan to weigh-in at least every two weeks.
In addition to keeping in touch at church and via email, feel free to monitor my blog: http://candotujuh.blogspot.com/ . I started this blog a couple of years ago for a similar purpose, but some of the weight I lost has slipped back on since then. This is a great opportunity to re-commit.
Here we go – Day One: 157.8 kilograms.
-- Scott Hanna