Saturday, June 6, 2009

Relevant Twitter updates

WoD "Slurpee" Sumo High Deadlift Pull (SHDP), Burpee/Pullup (B/P). Inverse ladder. (SHDP 10, B/P 1; SHDP 9, B/P 2...SHDP 1, B/P 10). 40 Kg SHDP. 16:28. Tabbatta Squat - 12.

WoD: Montana Metric Mash (3M?). Row 500 meters, 5 reps of 50 pound dumbell shoulder press (100 lb. Load). 5 rounds for time. 15:47.6:38 PM Jun 9th from TwitterFon

WoD - Light day. 20 min bike, 3 sets pullups/dips. 3 sets overhead squats (20 kg). 30 min stretching. 4:52 PM Jun 7th from mobile web

WoD: Burpees/Squats Countdown from 5. Deadlift 5,4,3,2 (120kg). DB Press/SHDLP Countdown from 5 (20/30 kg). BodyPump. 8:30 PM Jun 6th from web

WoD (Friday): Max reps bench 60 kg - 32. Crossfit Erin (mod: jumping pullups) - 12:06.

WoD: RPM and BodyPump. Good workout, despite this guy making noises in BodyPump class that could have passed for bull elk in mating season.
10:04 PM Jun 3rd from web

Body torn up for yesterday's WoD, esp shoulders and abs. Today some skill work with medicine ball cleans, RPM, and some grip-strength fun.
1:35 PM May 31st from web

WoD. Bench 3,2,1. (kg) 100, 105, 110f; Thrusters (25kg) 5, Burpees 5. 10 Rnds: 12m35s. Tabbatta Squats-Champion Version: Score 9. Abs4fun.
4:22 PM May 30th from web

WoD: Row - 3x500 m (60 sec rest). Under 1.55 rounds. Press 3x3 - (kg) 50, 60, 70f. RPM - 50 min. 6:28 PM May 29th from mobile web

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