Friday, January 26, 2007

I have stumbled but not fallen

Over the past two weeks, sadly, more than my blog has been inactive. I have been deluged by visitors to our minesite – including the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia – and the series of visitors not only involved a lot of stress (and stress eating) but a lot of missed workouts.

But, in an important way, the blog worked just as I hoped it would. The extended support network kicked in just when I needed it. I was feeling down about my lapse and disappointed in myself. Unfortunately, these types of feelings can have a negative perpetuation when it comes to dieting and weight-loss. However, when I received an unexpected email from my dear friend Maria today, it reinvigorated me. She sent a story from
CNN and gave me some wonderful words of encouragement. It really meant a lot. If you are a reader of my blog or someone else trying to drop a few pounds or someone looking to make a lifestyle change, please feel free to comment or drop me an email. The comments are especially useful as they can contribute both to dialogue and support (for me or others) because they are public. Thanks so much, Maria!

On Sunday, I will have my next weigh in. I will return to Jakarta on Tuesday, and I will measure myself and take photo two (after one month). I have noticed a change in the way my jeans feel – so I am confident there will be some good news, but I fear it may not be what I had hoped for with the latter portion of month being less successful than the first half.

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