Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Indonesian Independence Day!

I celebrated the holiday with a morning of traditional ceremonies and spent a bulk of the rest day in the gym. Though I did not hit my goal of 5000 calories, I did make it through the three Spin class and BodyPump – burning through 4000 calories.

A couple weeks ago I tried to make it through 5K again on the treadmill, but it was a doomed run. My knees were still very sore from the basketball game (then nearly 2 weeks before), my iPod froze about 2K into the run, and the treadmill locked up at about 3.5K. I considered it a sign and cashed it in. To give my knees a bit more recovery time, I’ve planned a more gradual ramp up on getting more running in. Last week I did just 1K, this week I’ll do 2K, next week 3 - you get the idea. We’ll see where I hit the wall in the progression.

For now though, the focus will be on cardio that’s less impact for the joints. I still need to drop some more weight before to safely ramp up the roadwork. I got the bodyscan last week in Singapore, which I will post later. In summary, the results were a bit disappointing in that my weight loss is off target from the progression that I’d planned. However, the trend is still in the right direction. Just have to work harder, be more disciplined, and patient. None of those things is terribly fun – but they are all essential to success.

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